Tag : Maricopa County

A hooded figure at a laptop, symbolizing the threat of cybercrime and digital scams in real estate transactions.

Stay Safe: How to Avoid Common Real Estate Scams and Protect Your Investment

In today’s digital world, while technology has made the real estate process more accessible, it has also created new opportunities for scammers. Protecting yourself from these scams is crucial for a smooth and secure transaction. Here are some of the most common real estate scams to be aware of, along with tips on how to avoid them. Wire Fraud Wire fraud is one of the most serious and widespread scams in real estate today. Scammers often impersonate real estate agents, […]

For Rent sign in front of a residential home, highlighting rental market dynamics in Arizona.

Arizona AG’s Lawsuit Against RealPage: What It Means for the Real Estate Market

A note from the team leader, Erica… In a significant move for the real estate market, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes has filed a lawsuit against RealPage, a prominent real estate technology and analytics company, along with nine other prominent landlords as co-defendants. The lawsuit alleges that RealPage along with the landlords engaged in anti-competitive practices and price-fixing, impacting rental prices and housing affordability in Arizona. This article delves into the details of the lawsuit and my opinion about the […]